
Just me, thoughts, random ideas and feelings

The Anger


It seeps in slowly and fills every crack, crevice, and empty space. Like motor oil it will coat and cling to everything it touches and is difficult to wash away. Allowing it to enter, to exist, to fester will take a grave toll on you, on me, on anyone who doesn’t shield themselves from its power.
Dark, oozing, heavy and thick, anger will creep in and destroy your light. It will heat up and boil, and eventually erupt like a volcano. The volcano burst will spew molten words, behaviors, thoughts and feelings outward onto anyone, anything in its path. It will wipe away your power and leave you without strength, flailing aimlessly on a path of slow destruction.
Battered by the molten particles recipients may lash back in anger, cower in fear, retreat in disgust or remain calm and treat them like beads of water. Those who can stand firm, yet relaxed, rigid yet with fluidity will let the spew roll right off of them. The molten poison will gel, harden, bead up and roll away from those that hold a calm, peaceful core. “Keep your cool” they say; it’s true. Keep your cool boy and you will protect yourself from the anger that searches to take you on, take you over, poison you and leave you wasted and weak.
L. Wuerth
April 2014

Author: larindyy

I am a thinker. Sometimes I am lost in thought and overcome with emotions and so try to articulate those emotions with words. If I see something funny, inspiring, motivating, riveting (you get the idea)-I may write about it. I don't have a format or a goal other then to put down my thoughts, feelings, and ideas for you to read, for me to revisit. I hope you enjoy them, some of them, even just one of them today, tomorrow, soon. If it sparks something within you-an idea, a thought, an emotion then I am touched and honored you took the time to give my words a read. :) Have an amazing day and find or be found by love, laughter, peace and light.

6 thoughts on “The Anger

  1. isn’t that true! Thank you for this!


  2. WOW!! Love it!!


  3. the words are powerful and encouraging. (thumbs up) 🙂


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